27 Aug SCN Sampling Program Q&A
Wondering if you have Soybean Cyst Nematodes (SCN)? Let the North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC) help.

Q: How does the SCN sampling program work?
A: The NDSC covers the cost of up to 2,000 SCN samples for growers in N.D. NDSU labels, codes and distributes sample bags. Growers bag and mail sample bags to the lab.
Q: When will the sampling program begin?
A: Sample bags will be at County Extension offices in mid-late August.
Q: How do I receive sample bags?
A: Each N.D. grower can get up to three bags at their County Extension office. This is a first-come first-serve program.
Q: When is the best time to sample?
A: The number of eggs and cysts in the soil increases throughout the growing season, making SCN detection most likely if you sample at the end of the season; from just before harvest to just before freeze-up is generally recommended.
Q: What do the results tell me?
A: Results indicate if you have SCN or not. If you do, you will want to actively manage it; resistance, rotation and maybe seed treatments. If you don’t have it, be happy, and test again in coming years.
Contact Sam Markell at NDSU with questions
samuel.markell@ndsu.edu . (701) 231-8362
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