Research Partnerships

Research Partnerships

The North Dakota Soybean Council is dedicated to advancing the soybean industry by strategically investing in research that addresses key challenges in soybean production and the industry. We collaborate with regional and national partners to share project costs, knowledge, and expertise to drive innovation and efficiency and maximize the impact of farmer checkoff dollars. This joint approach ensures that our investments not only solve immediate issues but also contribute to the broader success and sustainability of the entire soybean industry.


North Central Soybean Research Program

Soybean farmers in the Midwest face many of the same production challenges. Whether growers are dealing with aphids, root diseases or nutrient challenges, research can help them understand more about what they are facing and offer management solutions.


In order to maximize checkoff dollars while providing soybean farmers with timely and relevant information, the North Dakota Soybean Council (NDSC) is part of a multi-state effort to share and coordinate research. The North Central Soybean Research is a collaboration of 13 state soybean associations that soybean checkoff funds to improve yields and profitability.


The North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) is recognized as a leader in multi-state collaborative research and outreach efforts to support soybean farmers and drive the soybean industry forward.


The focus of NCSRP is soybean production research and extension outreach. The organization invest soybean checkoff funds in university research and extension programs to better understand and manage plant stressors that reduce soybean yield and farmer profitability. NCSRP’s emphasis on enhancing and protecting soybean yield through genetics and agronomic practices contributes to soybean farmer success today and tomorrow.


To review NCSRP’s current funded research projects, click here.


Learn more about the NCSRP program and get results from their research at



U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative


The USSRC is a soybean checkoff-sponsored partnership with the purpose of bringing more collaboration and coordination to soybean checkoff research. Working together, open collaboration generates more ROI with cross-organization investment understanding.



The U.S. Soybean Research Collaborative is a unique model of open collaboration that helps extend current investments for more impactful outcomes. USSRC exists to advance coordination, collaboration, and communication among organizations focused on soybean research and to foster a broad value chain view to help bridge the gap between soybean supply and demand.


Partners: USSRC brings together soybean checkoff programs to find novel solutions to soybean production and marketing. These organizations recognize the idea of greater collaboration across the soybean research space is a ripe opportunity to leverage individual resources.


Current State Checkoff Partners

  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Ohio
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • North Carolina
  • Michigan
  • Kentucky
  • Atlantic Region
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia
  • Missouri
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas


Intended Impacts

Through a coordinated approach, the USSRC will provide partners the opportunity and platform to complement and extend the efforts of our existing organizations for more impactful outcomes. Together, we will be positioned to meet the changing needs of the soybean industry and to take advantage of new opportunities.


The work of USSERC is intended to meet four primary goals:


  1. Improved Coordination: Help partners be more strategic in prioritizing and spending soybean research dollars by better understanding what other checkoff groups and industry partners are doing.
  2. Increased Collaboration: Provide information and the platform for partners to further collaborate with each other on projects and grant opportunities.
  3. Increased Communication: Bring soy partners together to think broadly about the future, and better communicate needs and opportunities up and down the value chain.
  4. Innovative Research: Foster a broad industry and value chain view for soybean research opportunities that move beyond traditional production research to expand markets and drive profitability.



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