Production Agronomy

NDSU Pest Management App

The NDSU Pest Management app is a tool that combines select information from the North Dakota State University Weed Guide, Disease Management Guide, and Insect Management Guide. Information is grouped by crop and pest and providing control options through a selection process. Once a user selects a control card, there is a drop down that allows a user to select additional information for further review.


To learn more and download, click here.


Production Guides

Raising high-yielding soybeans takes sound management. Thanks in part to NDSC support, NDSU has developed a series of issue-specific production guides to help North Dakota better manage many common soybean challenges.


  • Soybean Production Guide

The basics of soybean production are often the most important factors in raising soybeans. Learn more about all aspects of soybean production by downloading the NDSU Soybean Production Field Guide.


  • Fungicides

Fungicides are increasingly being used to help get soybeans off to a good start in the face of disease and pest pressure. Find out more about the role fungicides can play.


  • Insects 

Soybeans face pressure from a wide range of pests, including insects. Timely and effective management can be vital to producing good yields. Information on insect management can be found here.


  • Weed Control

Few challenges are currently more daunting for North Dakota farmers than weed control. Herbicide resistant weeds and evolving weed populations require farmers to stay up to date in order to effectively manage weed populations and the seed bank. NDSU’s Weed Control Guide is a good place to find information that can help farmers with the war on weeds.



North Dakota Herbicide Resistant Weed Survey

To learn more about free herbicide resistant weed surveys for North Dakota farmers, click here.



Pigweed Awareness Campaign:
Increasing Awareness and Risk of Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp in North Dakota

To watch the video series, hosted by Dr. Joe Ikley of NDSU, click here.



Sampling for Phytophthora Species in North Dakota

Do you have issues with Phytophthora root and stem rot and want to be part of a solution for this deadly soybean disease?


NDSU Soybean Pathology Lab led by Dr. Wade Webster is looking for soil samples to identify populations of Phytophthora root and stem rot on your farm this season.


To learn more, click here.