Soybean Supply Chain

Because of North Dakota’s location, the North Dakota Soybean Council is well aware of the challenges that transportation issues present in moving our product to international markets.


NDSC continues its efforts to identify transportation opportunities and to overcome challenges that impact producers’ profitability. Where soybeans are delivered and how they get there are becoming more important to producers’ bottom lines.


Because North Dakota soybeans and soy products are transported to market and processing facilities by rail and motor carrier, strengthening our transportation infrastructure continues to be a priority for NDSC.





Important transportation information for North Dakota farmers:


NDSC Rural Transportation Summit – Aug. 2018

NDDOT AG Summit Presentation, Tom Sorel, NDDOT Director

Highways & Road Conditions – Wayde Swenson, NDDOT Office of Operations Director

Transportation Revenue Changes and Agricultural Transportation, Alan Dybing Associate Research Fellow, UGPTI



Other key soybean industry transportation websites: